Word 2007: Working with Hyperlinks

Lesson 5: Working with Hyperlinks



Hyperlinks Lesson A hyperlink is a piece of text or an image in an electronic document that can connect readers to another portion of the document or a different webpage. In addition, a hyperlink can be used to connect to and open an email client window.

Have you noticed the active links on webpages that allow you to jump from one page to another? You just used one to open this lesson. These are called hyperlinks. You can use these in electronic versions of your Word documents, just like you do in webpages. In this lesson, you will learn the basics of working with hyperlinks, including how to insert and remove them in your Word document.


To insert a hyperlink:

  • Select the text or image you want to make a hyperlink.
  • Select the Insert tab.
  • Click Hyperlink in the Links group. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box appears. If you selected text, the words will appear in the Text to display: field at the top.
  • Type the address you want to link to in the Address: field.
Insert Hyperlinks
  • Click OK. The text or image you selected will now be a hyperlink.
Email Hyperlinks

To make an email address a hyperlink:

  • Type the email address.
  • Highlight the text, and select the Insert tab.
  • Click Hyperlink in the Links group, and the Insert Hyperlink box appears.
  • On the left of the box where it says Link to: click Email Address.
  • The Insert Hyperlink box will change to the one shown above.
  • Type the email address you want to connect to in the Email Address box, then click OK.

You can also insert a hyperlink that links to another portion of the same document.

Word recognizes many email and web addresses as you type and will format them as hyperlinks automatically after you press the Enter key or spacebar.

To remove a hyperlink:

  • Select the hyperlink you want to deactivate.
Select Remove Hyperlink
  • Select the Insert tab.
  • Click Hyperlink in the Links group. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box appears.
Remove Hyperlink
  • Click Remove Link.


Use the cover letter or any other Word document you choose to complete this challenge.

  • Open an existing Word document.
  • Type the following sentence:
    • For great computer training, visit GCF today!
  • Select GCF.
  • Insert a hyperlink that connects to www.GCFLearnFree.org.
  • Remove the hyperlink.

