Word Tips: Pick Up Where You Left Off

Lesson 5: Pick Up Where You Left Off


Pick up where you left off

After closing and reopening a long document, searching for the place where you left off can be annoying. Fortunately, with a simple keyboard shortcut you can return to the exact spot of your last edit.

Check out the video below to learn how to pick up right where you left off.


  1. Open the Word document you want to resume working on. 
  2. Press the Shift key and the F5 key simultaneously on your keyboard.
  3. Word will automatically take you to the last thing you edited before you saved and closed the document.
  4. You can continue working on the document from this point onwards.
  5. Save the document before closing it again.

Now you can simply resume your work without scrolling through pages and pages of content!

In Lesson 6, we’ll cover the steps for using another nifty feature–Word’s translation tool. 

