Search Better: Get More Out of Google Search

Lesson 2: Get More Out of Google Search


Get more out of Google Search

Search engines aren’t as delicate and cumbersome as they once were. That’s why you shouldn’t worry about confusing Google Search because it will try its best to help you out, even if you give it less-than-stellar information. Whenever you want to get more out of your search results, just remember the following tips.

Watch the video below to learn how to get more out of Google Search.

Keep things simple

Whenever you search for something, always keep things simple. Try to only search for keywords, and be specific to keep results relevant.

Let’s say you needed help getting through a video game, so you type out its name and the part that’s giving you trouble. If this search isn’t enough, add one or more keywords until you find what you need. You can use complete sentences, but they’re not necessary because Google does fine with only keywords.

Utilize Autocomplete

As you type in the search bar, Google automatically uses a feature called Autocomplete, which suggests the most popular results involving your search term. You can pick one of these new ideas with the mouse or arrow keys, or you can keep typing to get different suggestions.

Use the Tools function

To refine your search results, try the Tools function. Let’s say you’re searching for images of acoustic guitars, but you only want to see green guitars. After you click Tools, select Color and then the green square to filter the results. In addition to sorting by size or publication date, you can click other tabs like News and Videos to sort these results in similar ways.

Watch out for spelling mistakes

If your spelling isn’t perfect, don’t worry. As long as it’s close, search engines will try to correct your mistakes. However, if you want to search for an incorrect or unusual spelling, all you have to do is click the misspelled link below the corrected spelling. Also, most search engines ignore capitalization, punctuation, and grammar, so you don’t need to worry about making things perfect.

Remember that if you make a mistake, it’s fine! A single search usually takes less than a second to complete, so search for whatever you want, even if you’re not sure you’ll get the desired results.

Google Search is a tool that’s meant to be used as often as you need, and it can handle almost anything you throw at it. Just remember these tips, and you’ll be fine.

