Google Keep: Collaborator Tool

Lesson 2: Collaborator Tool


Collaborator tool

Working together is easy to do with Google Keep's Collaborator tool. What's helpful about this tool is that you can share a note with multiple people, and you can see what they've written anytime from any device. In this lesson, we’ll talk about how to use this feature.

Watch the video below to learn how to use the Collaborator tool.

For mobile

To follow along, you’ll need to have downloaded the Google Keep app to your smartphone and have already logged in to your Google account. In our example, we are using an iPhone so there may be some subtle differences if you are using an Android phone.

  1. From the app’s home screen, tap the plus icon to start a new note.
    plus icon for a new note
  2. Tap the Title field to add an optional title. Since we are sharing this note with other people, let’s add a title that explains the purpose of it. 
    adding a title to the note
  3. Then, you can add what you want to the note. From the toolbar above the keyboard, tap the three dots icon.
    typing the note then tapping the three dots icon
  4. Then, tap Collaborators.
    tapping collaborators
  5. Type a person’s Gmail address, then tap the Done button.
    adding an email then tapping the done button
  6. When you are done typing their emails, tap the checkmark icon.
    tapping the checkmark icon
  7. You’ll see the Collaborators below the note, which lets you know that the note has been shared with them. Tap the back arrow button to have the note show up on your home screen.
    tapping the back arrow
  8. They can now add their thoughts to it and you can see the updates to the note.
    people adding their thoughts to the note
  9. If you don’t want someone to be able to edit it, tap the collaborator icons.
    tapping the collaborator icons
  10. Tap the X next to their email address to remove them followed by the checkmark icon.
    tap the X to remove them then the checkmark icon to save

For desktop

To follow along, you’ll need to log into your Google Account.

  1. Click the Google apps icon then select Keep.
    selecting Keep from the Google apps menu
  2. If you followed along in the first part for mobile, you’ll see the note here because Google Keep syncs across all devices. Next, click the Take a note… field.
    clicking the take a note... field
  3. Click the Title field to add an optional title. Let’s add a title to explain the purpose of the note.
    adding an optional title
  4. Then, you can type what you want for the note.
    typing the note as a checklist
  5. Click the Collaborator icon.
    clicking the collaborator icon
  6. Next, type a person’s Gmail address followed by the Enter key on your keyboard. When you are done typing their emails, click the Save button.
    clicking the save button
  7. Click Close to have the note added to your home page.
    clicking close
  8. They can now add their thoughts to it and you can see updates to the note.
    people adding their thoughts to the note
  9. If you don’t want someone to be able to edit it, click the Collaborator icon.
    clicking the collaborator icon
  10. Click the X next to their email address then, click Save.
    clicking X to remove them then saving the changes

Whether you are planning ahead or problem-solving, you can use Google Keep’s Collaborator tool to work together.

