Zoom: Zoom Fatigue

Lesson 2: Zoom Fatigue


Zoom Fatigue

Whether you are working remotely, interviewing for a new job, or catching up with family and friends, video calling is growing in popularity. One drawback to video chatting is that people find themselves feeling drained or tired afterwards. What you’re experiencing is called Zoom Fatigue, named after the Zoom video conferencing app. We have put together some tips that may help you improve how you feel after video calling.

Watch the video below to learn how to ease Zoom Fatigue.

Tips to help ease Zoom Fatigue

  • Limit distractions by finding a quiet place to make the call.
  • Clean off your desk to have only what you need for the call so you don't have search through everything.
  • Close out of any unnecessary windows on your computer.
  • Let people in your home know that you have a video call at a certain time.
  • Unplug Wi-Fi enabled devices that you are not currently using to free up bandwidth. This may help decrease the likelihood of frozen screens and audio lagging.
  • Before the video call starts, get up and walk away from your computer. It gives your body a chance to move and your brain a chance to reset and prepare for the call.
  • In the call, switch from grid view to speaker view. This will help to minimize the distractions on the screen.
  • Also, you can blur or replace your background to help others focus more on what you’re saying instead of being distracted by what’s behind you.
  • If you're allowed to, consider turning your camera off when you’re not talking.
  • Some apps may allow you to hide your self view. That way people can still see you, but you can’t see yourself. Remember, if you use this feature, the camera is still on, so don’t do anything that might embarrass you.

Following these tips may help you deal with zoom fatigue. Of course, another solution is to just do fewer video calls. A regular phone call or sending an email still works.