Word 2013: Enabling Touch Mode

Lesson 33: Enabling Touch Mode


Enabling Touch Mode

If you're working on a touch-screen device, you can enable Touch Mode to create more open space on the Ribbon, making commands easier to tap with your fingers.

To view the Ribbon in Touch Mode:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar, then select Touch/Mouse Mode from the drop-down menu.

    Screenshot of Word 2013Adding Touch/Mouse Mode to the Quick Access toolbar
  2. The Touch/Mouse Mode command will appear on the Quick Access toolbar.
  3. Click the Touch/Mouse Mode command, then select Touch from the drop-down menu.

    Screenshot of Word 2013Selecting Touch Mode
  4. The Ribbon will switch to Touch Mode.

    Screenshot of Word 2013The Ribbon in Touch Mode

To turn off Touch Mode, click the Touch/Mouse Mode command, then select Mouse from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of Word 2013Selecting Mouse Mode

