Mouse Tutorial: Mouse Tutorial

Lesson 1: Mouse Tutorial

Mouse tutorial

A mouse is a handheld device that lets you point to objects on the screen, click them, and move them. Take a look at the diagram below to learn the different parts of a typical mouse.

To scroll through this lesson, you can use your keyboard's down arrow key or your mouse's scroll wheel.

Mouse labels

Holding the mouse

There is a proper technique for holding the mouse, allowing you to make use of all its features while also feeling comfortable. Follow the directions below and learn how!

  • Place your thumb on the desk or the tabletop on the left side of the mouse.
  • Your index finger (pointer) should rest on the left button of the mouse.
  • Place the middle finger on the right button of the mouse.
  • Your ring finger and little finger (pinkie) should rest on the right side of the mouse.
  • Your palm should cup the end of the mouse gently.
  • The base of your wrist should rest on the mouse pad or the desktop.
Computer mouse hand technique

Using the mouse

For better or worse, most computer programs depend upon the mouse. The activities below will help you to practice the various tasks you can perform with a mouse.

Let's start off with clicking. When you click, you're interacting with the computer, telling it what to do. In order to click, press and release the left mouse button with your index finger.

Try it now by clicking on the button below!


In many instances, when you place the cursor over an icon, it will change its appearance. This is called a rollover effect. It might mean that you can interact with the icon, or maybe it's just highlighting where you cursor currently is.

Hover your cursor over the icons below to see some different rollover effects.

Double clicking

A double click is when you quickly click the mouse button twice. This can be used to open folders, files, or start programs on your desktop.

Practice double clicking in the activity below.

Awesome! Now double-click on the folder in the folder to open it.
Let's try one more. Double-click on the file to move onto the next section.

Drag and drop

You may sometimes need to drag and drop icons to move them around. This can be used to place files in new folders, delete them, and more.

Practice your drag and drop skills by constructing the robot below!

Great Job! Robot assembled and ready to learn!
left arm
right arm
left leg
right leg
left arm
right arm
left leg
right leg
head outline
torso outline
left arm outline
right arm outline
left leg outline
right leg outline

Now let's try dragging and dropping things in a more practical manner. To tidy up your desktop below, drag and drop the files into their appropriate folders.

Recycle Bin