Learning Tips: Preparing to Take a Test

Lesson 6: Preparing to Take a Test


Preparing to Take a Test

In this quick tutorial, we will provide you with tips and strategies to help you prepare to take a test. Effective test-taking doesn’t just happen on test day - how you study and prepare for the big day can make a big difference!

Whether you’re a student studying for a mid-term, or a working professional taking a certification or licensure exam, here are some strategies to use to help you get ready to take a test.


Just like we talked about with memory strategies, breaking things down into smaller ‘chunks’ helps us better remember. Instead of trying to study everything at once, break your study material into smaller, manageable parts. Why? Research has shown that our brains can only make sense of about 4 (give or take) pieces of information at once. Making sense of information is what helps it connect to your memory. If that doesn’t work, the information is forgotten. So, guess what? Cramming doesn’t work! If you aren’t taking your time and studying smaller chunks of information at a time, you likely won’t remember it on test day.  So, be sure to plan for small chunks of studying throughout the week

You can even create a study plan that helps you break down your plan into smaller time slots to help you avoid cramming the night before. For example, a 5 day study plan might look like this:

  • Day 1-2: Review all materials
  • Day 3-4: Focus on areas you find challenging
  • Day 5: Do a final review of everything

Scheduling and Time Management

Along with making a five-day plan of when to study, include in your schedule a list of topics you need to cover and decide when to study each one. 

 Keep in mind that you don’t need to study one topic at a time. Including more than one topic and varying your topics can help promote more flexible memories. Just make sure to not try and cram in too much at once. List all the topics you need to cover and decide when you'll study each one. This helps make sure you don't miss anything important.


If you have access to practice tests, use them! They're a great way to get familiar with the format and types of questions you'll see.

If you don’t have access to a practice test, remember that self-testing and quizzing is a helpful strategy. Whether it’s using flashcards or asking someone else to quiz you on terms, definitions, or concepts, asking your brain to actively try and remember information will help you better understand and remember it for the exam.

