Job Hunt for Today: Apply with Power!

Lesson 3: Apply with Power!


The Complete Package

Finding a new job can be challenging for anyone, whether you’re new to the workforce or have years of work experience. No matter your situation you MUST have a great resume package and be ready for your interview when it comes.

Your Resume

For many jobs you will need a resume and it will play a key part in getting you the job. That means it needs to prove what you’re made of in a clear, direct manner.

Resume writing takes time, and you may need to adjust it as you go.

Learn more in our Resume Writing tutorial.

Cover Letters

Your resume doesn’t tell your whole story. That’s where the cover letter comes in.

We recommend you include cover letters with every application you submit. That means you’ll need to customize each one for the job you’re applying for.

Learn more in our Cover Letters tutorial.

Job Applications

So...your resume is set. Your cover letter is ready. Now it’s time to apply for some jobs.

Filling out online job applications can get boring fast. But chances are that the job you want will require you to apply through an online application.

Learn more in our Job Applications tutorial.

The Interview

So you’ve landed the interview. Congratulations! While we can’t predict everything that might happen during an interview, here are some of the more common problems that people run into.

Overall, employers want to see if they can work alongside you, so don’t be afraid to let some of your personality come through. Just try to stay relaxed and confident.

After the Interview

So, the interview is over. Now what?

After an interview, you may experience many emotions. Regardless of whether you feel the interview went well, you should take time to think about your experience. This can help you come up with additional questions you can use in a follow-up interview or thank-you letter, and it can also help prepare you for future interviews.

Learn more in our Interviewing Skills tutorial.

