GCF Teacher Guides: Applied Digital Skills

Lesson 9: Applied Digital Skills


Applied Digital Skills

Applied Digital Skills is a free curriculum from Google designed to help build life and job skills. Learners will use free tools such as Google Docs and Google Sheets to research, plan, and share real-world projects.

Teaching Applied Digital Skills

The Applied Digital Skills lessons are built around self-paced videos that can be used inside or outside the classroom, and either in a group or independently. There are also opportunities to collaborate with peers when used in a classroom.

If you're a teacher, you can set up a custom course using the Applied Digital Skills content, then share the course with your learners. This will allow you to track their progress through the course. Note that you and each of your learners will need a Google account in order to use this feature. You can sign up for a free account online.

In this guide, we'll give an overview of some of the lessons you can choose. We'll also list related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org, which you can use to supplement these lessons if desired.

For more information about Applied Digital Skills, go to Applied Digital Skills - FAQs. You can also find additional resources on the Applied Digital Skills prep webpage and Instructor Resources folder. You can also learn more about how other instructors are using the curriculum on its website. You can always reach out to the Applied Digital Skills team for support if you have questions.

How to Use This Guide

This guide lists several Applied Digital Skills lessons you can use either independently for yourself (to increase your own digital skills) or as an instructor for your learners.

Are you an individual who wants to increase your own digital skills?

If you want to use these resources independently (like learning new skills for your job, creating a resume, or making a personal budget), then follow these steps to get started:

  1. Review the lesson you want to explore from the list below.
  2. Go to the Applied Digital Skills website and sign up to make a new account using your Google email address. You can sign up for a free account online if you do not have one.
  3. When asked, indicate that you are a learner who is using the curriculum without an instructor.
  4. Find the lesson you want to use, and start learning. Enjoy building real-life projects and improving your digital skills.

Are you an instructor or teacher who wants to share Applied Digital Skills with your students?

To get started as an instructor, check out the Teacher Prep webpage, which has printable resources like a Quick-Start Guide for Teachers. To make your first class, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Applied Digital Skills website and sign up to make a new account using your Google email address. You can sign up for a free account online if you do not have one.
  2. When asked, indicate that you are an instructor.
  3. Make your first class, and use the course code to invite your students to join your course so you can monitor their progress, assign them lessons, and do more.
  4. You can also add lessons to your class and review the lessons so you’re ready to teach.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page or contact the Applied Digital Skills support team.


In this section, we'll cover the following lessons:

Digital Tools for Everyday Tasks

In the Digital Tools for Everyday Tasks lesson, users will learn about communicating through email, using Internet search, and creating documents. The lesson takes 4-9 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Account creation
  • Effective communication
  • Gmail features

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Digital Tools for Everyday Tasks page to get started.

Organizing Files in Drive

In the Organizing Files in Drive lesson, learners will learn how to use Google Drive to store, access, and share files such as documents, presentations, forms, and photos in one central place. The lesson takes 45-90 minutes to complete.

Skills covered:

  • Digital collaboration
  • File organization
  • File sharing

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org

Go to the Organizing Files in Drive page to get started.

Use Google to Get a New Job

In the Use Google to Get a New Job lesson, learners will search for job opportunities, explore career sites, write a resume, submit applications, and practice interviewing. The lesson takes 4-8 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Document formatting
  • Resume writing
  • Spreadsheet organization

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Use Google to Get a New Job page to get started.

Plan an Event

In the Plan an Event lesson, learners will create to-do lists, assign tasks, and promote an event. The lesson takes 6-9 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Digital publishing
  • Document formatting
  • Effective communication

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Plan an Event page to get started.

Plan and Budget

In the Plan and Budget lesson, users will learn how to make sound financial decisions by analyzing long-term spending, researching and comparing costs, and planning for major purchases. The project takes 7-9 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Conditional formulas
  • Data analysis
  • Organizing data

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Plan and Budget page to get started.

Manage a Project with Digital Tools

In the Manage a Project with Digital Tools lesson, learners will plan a team project, track its progress and costs, and prepare a summary report. The lesson takes 4-9 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger project.

Skills covered:

  • File organization
  • Project management
  • Spreadsheet design

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Manage a Project with Digital Tools page to get started.

Research and Writing

In the Research and Writing lesson, learners will conduct research on the Internet, evaluate sources, and draft and publish a document. The project takes 2-4 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Document formatting
  • Research publication
  • Writing strategies

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Research and Writing page to get started.

Effective Communications at Work

In the Effective Communications at Work lesson, learners will use digital tools to communicate and collaborate with others in the workplace more effectively. They will hold a team meeting, collect feedback, create and share a proposal, and present the information to an audience. The project takes 6-9 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Collaboration
  • Collecting feedback

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Effective Communications at Work page to get started.

Negotiate your Salary

In the Negotiate your Salary lesson, learners will learn what to do before asking for a raise, including steps to gather facts, organize their thoughts and information, and decide whether it's the right time to ask for a raise. The lesson takes 45-90 minutes to complete.

Skills covered:

  • Communication
  • Digital collaboration
  • Document formatting
  • Internet search
  • Spreadsheet design

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Negotiate your Salary page to get started.

Give and Receive Feedback

In the Give and Receive Feedback lesson, learners will be guided on how to request and provide feedback on written work in a collaborative process. The lesson takes 45-90 minutes to complete.

Skills covered:

  • Collecting feedback
  • Communication
  • Effective communication

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Give and Receive Feedback page to get started.

Build your Online Business

In the Build your Online Business lesson, learners create an online business in order to sell a product or service, including naming your business, conducting market research, and promoting your business online or with flyers. The lesson takes 6-9 hours to complete, but you can also choose specific activities within the larger lesson.

Skills covered:

  • Collecting feedback
  • Digital publishing
  • Document formatting
  • Internet search
  • Spreadsheet organization

Related tutorials from GCFLearnFree.org:

Go to the Build your Online Business page to get started.

