Communication Playlist Lessons: Business Communication

Lesson 2: Business Communication


Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is a set of manners that is accepted or required in a profession.

Go deeper in our Business Etiquette tutorial.

Instant Messaging Etiquette

Need to send a quick comment to a co-worker? Send an instant message!

Go deeper in our Instant Messaging Etiquette tutorial.

Writing a Business Letter

Whenever you need to communicate with another company or share important news, business letters can present your message in a classic, polished style.

Go deeper in our Writing a Business Letter tutorial.

Writing a Business Memo

Memos are usually more formal than emails and are often used when you need to give your message a more official look.

Go deeper in our Writing a Business Memo tutorial.

Business Documents

The key to effective formatting is to keep it simple.

Go deeper in our Formatting a Business Document tutorial.