Basic Spanish Skills: Meeting New People

Lesson 2: Meeting New People


Meeting new people

Wondering how to introduce yourself to new people in Spanish, or just feeling a little nervous about speaking Spanish in the real world? Meeting new people can be intimidating, let alone in another language! Let's take a look at some of the most common ways to introduce yourself in Spanish.

introducing yourself in spanish

Let's take a closer look at some of these phrases. Click the buttons to hear each word, or hover your mouse over the words to see an English translation.

Soy Berta.

¿Cómo te llamas?

Just like in English, it's common to introduce yourself by stating your name, then asking the other person's name in return. Let's see how this conversation goes:

Let's take a closer look at some of these phrases. Click the buttons to hear each word, or hover your mouse over the words to see an English translation.

¡Mucho gusto!

Mi nombre es Nina.


Asking more detailed questions

Let's take a closer look at some of these words. Click the buttons to hear each word, or hover your mouse over the words to see an English translation.

¿Dónde vives?

¿De dónde eres?

¿Cuál es tu profesión?

Once you've introduced yourself, you might want to ask some questions to learn more about the other person. The questions above are all simple ways to start a basic conversation and find a common interest with someone else.

There are actually many ways to introduce yourself in Spanish, but keep things simple for now. The next time you have the chance, try introducing yourself to a Spanish speaker. It will feel a little awkward at first, but that's why it's important to start practicing! The more times you introduce yourself in Spanish, the easier it will be in the future.

Let's practice!

Question 1 of 2

Which phrase would you use to ask someone's name?

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