Access 2000: Creating a Report

Lesson 16: Creating a Report



By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Create a report using AutoReport
  • Create a report using the Report Wizard


In previous lessons, you learned about tables, forms, and queries. In this lesson, you'll learn about another database object: reports.

Although you can print datasheets and forms in Access, creating a report makes your data more presentable and meaningful. Using Access, you can report your data in variety of ways to make it more accessible to those who need it.

Most reports are either columnar or tabular (as shown below) in design.

Tabular Report Example

Using AutoReport

You can develop reports in many ways, but in this lesson we'll discuss how to create a report using AutoReport and the Report Wizard.

AutoReports, some of the simplest reports to produce, are extremely useful, especially if all the data you want is in one table or query.

To create an AutoReport:

  • Open the database window. Choose Report from the Objects palette.

Database window - Report

  • Click New to open the New Reports dialog box.

New button

  • Choose AutoReport: Columnar or AutoReport: Tabular.

New Report dialog box - AutoReport

  • Click the drop-down list and choose the table or query on which the report or query is based.

Choose table - AutoReport

  • If you forget this step, the Office Assistant gives you the following error message:

Office Assistant's error message

  • Click OK to create the report and open it in Print Preview. Your mouse pointer changes to the magnifying glass. Remember, you cannot edit data in Print Preview.

Important pointWhen you save a report, only the structure of the report is saved, not the underlying data you see in the preview. Data shown in the preview is always as current as the records in the database.

Using the Report Wizard

The Report Wizard asks a series of questions and uses responses to create a report.

To create a report using the Report Wizard:

  • Open the database window. Choose Reports from the Objects palette.

Database window - Report

  • Click New to open the New Reports dialog box.

New button

  • Choose Report Wizard.

New Report dialog box - Report Wizard

  • Click the drop-down list and choose the table on which the report or query is based.

AutoReport-Choose table or query from the drop down box

  • Click OK to begin the Report Wizard.

Important pointWhen you save a report, only the structure of the report is saved, not the underlying data you see in the preview. Data shown in the preview is always as current as the records in the database.

Using the Report Wizard

In the Report Wizard's first dialog box, choose the table or query on which to base the report. Click the right arrow to move individual fields to the Selected Fields box or the double arrow to move all the fields. When you have selected all of the fields you want from the first table or query, select the next object from the list. Click Next.

Report Wizard's first dialog box

lesson arrowFollow the Report Wizard's directions carefully. Click Finish to close the Report Wizard and open your report in Print Preview.

Important PointYou can decide to include any or all of the Report Wizard's selections in your report.

Important PointVery important! When working in tables, forms, queries, and reports, use the New Object button new object button on the toolbar to create new database objects (tables, forms, queries, and reports).


  • Open the Great Lake Elementary School database.
  • Choose Reports from the Objects palette.
  • Click New to open the New Reports dialog box.
  • Practice creating a report using AutoReport.
  • Practice creating a report using the Report Wizard.
  • Close the report. The report will be automatically saved.

