Access 2000: Adding Form Records

Lesson 8: Adding Form Records



By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Open a form in an existing database
  • Navigate a form in an existing database
  • Add form records

Opening a form

Forms, another type of database object, provide a way for Access users to enter data into a database without having to know how a table is designed.

To open an existing form:

  • Open the Great Lake Elementary School database.
  • In the database window, choose the Forms tab from the Objects palette.
  • To open a form, double-click it, select it, and click the Open button, open button or right-click it and choose Open from the shortcut menu.

Great Lake Elementary database window. Form tab chosen from the Object palette.

Navigating a form

Navigating—or moving through records in a form—lets you review, add, and edit information.

Like Datasheet view, the Form view window contains a status area (shown below) in the lower-left corner. Use the arrows to navigate the forms.

A form's status area

lesson arrowUse the keyboard to navigate the fields in a form using the following keys:

Key:Selects the:
TabNext field to the right
Shift+TabNext field to the left
Down ArrowField below the current record
Up ArrowField above the current record

Adding records in a form

The data entry form is the easiest way to enter records.

To add a record:

  • Click the New Record button. New Record button
  • A blank entry form consisting of several blank fields displays.
  • Type the appropriate field information. For example, if the field label reads First Name, type the first name of the individual you are entering into the database.
  • Press Enter or Tab to move from one field to the next, or click in the field using your mouse.
  • Type the rest of the appropriate information.

A blank Great Lake Elementary New Student form.


Add a form record by doing the following:

  • Open the Great Lake Elementary School database.
  • In the database window, choose the Forms tab from the Objects palette.
  • Double-click the New Student form to open it.
  • Practice navigating the form.
  • Click the New Record button to display a blank entry.
  • Enter the following data for new student Amanda Lewis:
    • Student Name: Amanda Lewis
    • Student ID: 999887777
    • Grade: 4
    • Teacher ID: 4
    • Parent Name: Thurman Lewis
    • Address: 456 Tutor Drive
    • City: Anytown
    • Phone: 1012339571 (do not attempt to preformat the number)
  • Use Enter or Tab to move from one field to the next.
  • Close the form.
  • Double-click on the New Student form to reopen it.
  • Check to see if Access 2000 saved your addition. Remember, Access saves records automatically.
  • Close the New Student form.

